Beranda Penulis Ditulis Oleh Purwoko Ajie

Purwoko Ajie

Purwoko Ajie or better known as Puralexdanu Patjingsung was born in Ciamis, West Java, on October 13, 1995. He studied at the Television and Film Study Program from 2015 to 2019 at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Surakarta. He has continued his Postgraduate studies at the Cultural Studies Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, from 2022 until 2024. During college, he was more active in the world of writing, both independent books, film scripts, and cultural studies journals, especially research in films (Google Scholar link: The first books he wrote were novels based on his personal stories, such as “Cinta Piramida” (2015) and “From Something To Nothing” (2018), published independently. He became one of the authors of a book about films entitled “30 Film Indonesia Terlaris 2002-2018”, published collectively by Montase Press. Several scientific journals have also been written and published in national and international journals. He is also occasionally active in the production of short fiction and documentaries. He has loved the world of film since childhood; his first film was made in junior high school in 2009, entitled “Salah Pelet”. In 2016, with his university colleagues, he made a short film entitled “Dakoen Doerang (Past & Now)”. This film is the first time it has been brought to an international film festival in the World Cinema, International Children Film Festival 2018 in India. Then in early 2018, he also produced a documentary entitled “Teguh Between The Collapse of Gemstone”, and in the same year, it was also appreciated at various international festivals. Now he continues to focus on learning to write script, make short films, and focus on cultural studies that discuss films.
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