“Pain Hustlers,” a pharmaceutical drama film directed by David Yates, known for his work on the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts series, features a star-studded cast including Emily Blunt, Chris Evans, Andy Garcia, Catherine O’Hara, and Brian d’Arcy James. Despite the filmmaker’s reputation and the presence of big stars, does this Netflix film bring something distinctive to its pharmaceutical theme?
The film follows Liza Drake (Blunt), a young mother determined to do whatever it takes to support her daughter. Assisted by Pete (Evans), Liza seizes an opportunity to work for a pharmaceutical company on the brink of bankruptcy, manufacturing pain medication for cancer. Through persuasive tactics, they successfully sell the drug to an influential clinic, propelling the company to success but with illegal methods. As Liza’s career soars, the consequences of greed become inevitable.
While exploring the dark side of the pharmaceutical world, particularly the sales aspect, “Pain Hustlers” doesn’t delve into medical terminology and focuses more on the process, making it an intriguing watch. The narrative, centered around a successful career and the consequences of greed, may follow a familiar trajectory seen in other films like “I Care a Lot” and “Body Brokers.” The predictability of the greed factor makes the plot’s direction relatively foreseeable, and the film doesn’t offer a groundbreaking twist akin to “I Care a Lot.”
Despite not being the first or most outstanding film with a similar theme and message, the presence of notable stars elevates “Pain Hustlers.” The performances, while not necessarily Oscar-worthy, provide adequate support to the script. Yates showcases his editing skills through dynamic montage segments, adding a touch of flair to the film. However, it doesn’t go beyond that.
While “Pain Hustlers” may shed light on the harsh realities of the pharmaceutical world, it doesn’t stand out as the best in its category. Other films like “I Care a Lot,” “Body Brokers,” or the documentary “Sicko” by Michael Moore may serve as better references for those interested in exploring this theme further.