DC League of Super Pets is an animated superhero film that now focuses on their sidekicks, the super pets. This film is directed by debutant filmmaker Jared Stern who was involved in The Lego Batman Movie (2017). Notable are the voice actors, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Keanu Reeves, John Krasinski, Katherine McKinnon, Natasha Lyonne, and Diego luna. With these big stars, can Super-Pets lift the prestige of the ups and downs of the DC cinematic universe?
Krypto (Johnson) is Superman’s (Krasinski) super dog who has always been with him since childhood. Everything suddenly changed since Clark was close to Louise Lane, who was now sharing his time with her girlfriend. One day, Lex Luthor caused trouble by pulling an orange krypton meteor to earth. The Justice League intervenes, and Lex is arrested, but the orange krypton shards can be pulled by Lex’s pet guinea pig, Lulu (McKinnon). Lulu gets superpowers and pets at the pet shop, Ace (Hart), a dog; PB, a pig; Chip, a squirrel; and Merton, a tortoise. With her formidable strength, Lulu seeks to free Lex Luthor to rule the world together.
For those who have watched the animated DC Home Video, these super pets are familiar in one or two films. But for the theatrical version, this is a breakthrough. With a little background story, the audience, especially children, will easily swallow the story and immediately close with Krypto. The story, which only focuses on these super animals, has an interesting perspective regarding story, action, and humor. Although the chemistry is more pronounced in Krypto and Ace, the biggest thief of attention is Lulu, who McKinnon voices. Lulu could be the strongest super villain ever in DC films.
DC’s League of Super-Pets offers something fresh to its genre with action, humor, and an easy-to-read message for its genre target. Although the story is not difficult to anticipate, some touching and warm moments occasionally appear. Many DC fans may miss this film, but honestly, this film is far better than the films in the DC Extended Universe. Like the quality of Home Video (DC) animated films, I wonder why the scripts for DCEU films can be so poorly written. Super Pets is a simple and unpretentious example. A sequel to this film is a nice thing to do. One small thing, it was nice to hear flashes of the iconic Superman (John Williams) theme music and the iconic Batman (Danny Elfman) theme music that I haven’t heard in theaters in a long time.