“Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” serves as the sequel to “Godzilla vs. Kong” (2021), marking the fifth installment in the MonsterVerse since “Godzilla” (2014). The film, directed by Adam Wingard, has a budget of USD 130 million and retains the cast from the previous installment, including Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Kaylee Hottle, along with newcomer Dan Stevens. Will it meet fans’ expectations and replicate the commercial success of its predecessors?
In “The New Empire,” Kong resides in Hollow Earth, venturing to explore new territories through a crack in the earth’s surface. This journey leads Kong to encounter his fellow species under the domination of a ruthless giant ape and its monstrous pet. Meanwhile, on the surface, Monarch intercepts a mysterious signal originating from Hollow Earth. A team consisting of Dr. Ilene (Hall), Bernie (Bryan), Jia (Hottle), and Trapper (Stevens) is dispatched to investigate, uncovering an ancient civilization linked to Jia. On the surface, Godzilla continues to act as humanity’s guardian against chaotic Titans, until a plea from the world beneath summons his assistance to prevent destruction.
In my review of “Godzilla vs. Kong” (2021), I concluded, “As the title promises, this film merely delivers massive action with dazzling visual effects, straying far from the narrative depth of the initial series, devoid of any significant human elements.” “The New Empire” follows a similar formula, prioritizing the spectacle of monsters over human narratives, akin to “Godzilla” (2014). It’s akin to witnessing rival factions (gangster) battling for territory.
The film fails to evoke empathy for the destruction of iconic landmarks like the Colosseum in Rome, the Pyramids of Giza, or the city of Rio de Janeiro. Why should we care? The lack of compelling protagonists or meaningful plot developments leaves us indifferent. Even the attempts at humor fall flat, mirroring the uninspired plot. While the film delivers on its promise of titan clashes and impressive CGI, it falls short of creating an immersive world, reminiscent of “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania,” which lacks the naturalistic feel of its environment, appearing overly engineered digitally.
As anticipated, “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” satisfies its fanbase but exhausts other audiences. If you seek nothing more than titan-on-titan battles, you’ll find it here. However, it lacks the substance found in “Godzilla” (2014) that justifies humanity’s worthiness of salvation. Looking ahead, if the film achieves commercial success, one wonders what new adversaries lie beneath the earth’s surface or perhaps from another planet. The possibilities are endless, including the incorporation of multiverse concepts and the inclusion of protagonists from franchises like “Transformers,” allowing robots from “Pacific Rim” to join forces against malevolent Titans (or Kaiju) bent on Earth’s destruction. Perhaps my colleague is correct; I’m simply too old for this film.