Netflix dan Sony Columbia has released their flagship animated film, The Mitchells vs. the Machines, which seems to compete closely in the Academy Awards next year. This animated film was directed and written by Mike Rianda, fronted by two big animation producers, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. This film stars well-known names, including Abbi Jacobson, Danny McBride, Olivia Coleman, Maya Rudolph, Eric Andre, Beck Bennet, and John Legend. There have been dozens of animated family-themed films with remarkable achievements, so now what does The Mitchells have to offer?
Abby, whose hobby is making films, is very excited to continue her studies at film school in California. The biggest problem is Rick’s father, who never wants to understand his daughter’s talents and abilities. Miscommunication between father and son is getting worse until Rick, who feels guilty, decides to take his daughter to California with his wife and Aaron, Katie’s younger brother. Elsewhere, an AI-based cellphone technology called PAL was discarded by the creator because he had made a much more modern replacement in the form of a robot. The angry PAL intends to eliminate humanity and replace it with robots. The PAL’s only stumbling block was none other than The Mitchells.
Weird and unique. This is the first comment after a few minutes of the film running. Not only the animation style but also the plot and character figures. This is indeed the biggest key to the success of the film. This film is so entertaining on almost all fronts. Although the plot theme is pretty ordinary, the way the story is packaged makes everything look fresh. There is almost no feeling of boredom throughout the film because of the actions, chatter, and silly inserts of the characters, who are very contemporary. Both adult audiences, teenagers, and children will not be difficult to enjoy the film. The use of gadgets and social media trends is mentioned a lot in the plot and the pros and cons of this. A complete family spectacle!
The Mitchells vs. the Machines has many aspects missing from today’s animated family films, unique, colorful, contemporary, entertaining, funny, warm, strong messages, and heart. Although the story is a typical family theme that is not difficult to anticipate, it is guaranteed that the unique characters will distract. The friction between the older generation and millennials will never be exhausted. It seems to be a global problem that must be found a middle way. One brilliant scene presents how difficult it is for today’s generation, just one second without gadgets in their hands. The Mitchells offer a solution whose answer is already close at hand. Maybe the pandemic we are experiencing now, like the angry PAL robot, can teach us a lesson, what matters for our lives.