“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” is a mystery comedy film, serving as a sequel to “Knives Out” (2019), also directed by Rian Johnson. Daniel Craig reprises his role as detective Benoit Blanc, and this time, he is joined by a star-studded cast including Edward Norton, Janelle Monáe, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr., Jessica Henwick, Madelyn Cline, Kate Hudson, and Dave Bautista. With a budget of USD 40 million, Netflix released the film yesterday. Now, the question is: does the sequel live up to the entertainment value of the first film?

Set against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, billionaire Miles Bron (Norton) invites his closest friends to vacation on his tiny Greek island. The guests include Governor Claire (Hahn), scientist Lionel (Odom), former supermodel Birdie Jay (Hudson) and her assistant Peg (Henwick), Duke (Bautista) and his girlfriend, Whiskey (Clyne). However, the gathering takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of two uninvited guests: Andi (Monáe) and the detective. The reunion spirals out of control when a seemingly harmless game leads to the death of one of the guests.

The initial plot bears resemblance to “The Death of the Nile,” released earlier this year. Nevertheless, “Glass Onion” appears to offer more intrigue and mystery. The minimal character exposition at the beginning leaves the audience in the dark about the characters, their motives, and relationships, all of which are gradually unveiled as the plot unfolds. Spectators are kept in suspense, unable to predict the story’s direction. There’s no need to search for tiny clues; the script is a clever ruse by the filmmaker. While the mystery is not the main focus, the ridiculous characters and comedic elements take center stage, skillfully portrayed by the entire cast. The plot takes a dramatic turn around the two-thirds mark, completely altering the story’s trajectory. This unexpected twist catches everyone off guard.

Baca Juga  Annihilation

Despite its intricate plot complexity, “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” leans more towards entertainment and comedy than a gripping mystery. This time, the plot avoids the trappings of a typical detective story, distinguishing itself from both the Hercule Poirot films and even “Knives Out.” “Glass Onion” feels less serious, akin to a circus with the cast delivering performances in a charming and classy style. Personally, I still prefer “Knives Out,” but it cannot be denied that “Glass Onion” stands as a highly entertaining comedy film, capable of defying our expectations.

75 %
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A lifelong cinephile, he cultivated a deep interest in film from a young age. Following his architectural studies, he embarked on an independent exploration of film theory and history. His passion for cinema manifested in 2006 when he began writing articles and film reviews. This extensive experience subsequently led him to a teaching position at the esteemed Television and Film Academy in Yogyakarta. From 2003 to 2019, he enriched the minds of students by instructing them in Film History, Introduction to Film Art, and Film Theory. His scholarly pursuits extended beyond the classroom. In 2008, he published his seminal work, "Understanding Film," which delves into the core elements of film, both narrative and cinematic. The book's enduring value is evidenced by its second edition, released in 2018, which has become a cornerstone reference for film and communication academics across Indonesia. His contributions extend beyond his own authorship. He actively participated in the compilation of the Montase Film Bulletin Compilation Book Volumes 1-3 and "30 Best Selling Indonesian Films 2012-2018." Further solidifying his expertise, he authored both "Horror Film Book: From Caligari to Hereditary" (2023) and "Indonesian Horror Film: Rising from the Grave" (2023). His passion for film extends to the present day. He continues to provide insightful critiques of contemporary films on montasefilm.com, while actively participating in film production endeavors with the Montase Film Community. His own short films have garnered critical acclaim at numerous festivals, both domestically and internationally. Recognizing his exceptional talent, the 2022 Indonesian Film Festival shortlisted his writing for Best Film Criticism (Top 15). His dedication to the field continues, as he currently serves as a practitioner-lecturer for Film Criticism and Film Theory courses at the Yogyakarta Indonesian Institute of the Arts' Independent Practitioner Program.


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