Filmmakers have intensively explored confined spaces in stories in recent years. “Jericho Ridge,” an action thriller directed and written by debutant filmmaker Will Gilbey, stars lesser-known talents, including Nikki Amuka-Bird, Michael Socha, Zack Morris, and Solly McLeod. Can this B-Movie offer a fresh perspective to the genre?
Tabby (Bird) is a deputy sheriff in a remote town. On her first day back at the office after a long absence due to a leg injury, Tabby is assigned the night shift. Meanwhile, three other colleagues, including the sheriff, are in the field pursuing a murder suspect. Alone in the office, Tabby faces two uninvited guests who are willing to kill without hesitation. With all her strength, Tabby desperately tries to survive while awaiting reinforcements that never arrive.
While the exploration of confined spaces has become a common theme, “Jericho Ridge” attempts a unique approach to both its story and setting. With only a small sheriff’s office and CCTV cameras, the tension is maintained at a high intensity. One could describe Jericho as “Die Hard” on a smaller scale. Additionally, the story itself is solid, weaving motifs that intertwine with the characters’ internal and external conflicts. Tabby’s son, Monty, who becomes trapped in the location, adds depth to the story.
Despite the competent casting, some viewers might yearn for familiar faces. Nevertheless, through limited setting exploration and a compelling plot, “Jericho Ridge” stands out as an impressive thriller with maximum tension. The film’s 87-minute duration feels short due to the high intensity of the plot. Despite being a small studio production with a tight budget, “Jericho Ridge” delivers a solid script and stunning cinematography. The debut filmmaker’s ability to handle writing and technical aspects should not be underestimated. In terms of its production level, “Jericho Ridge” is a quality film for its genre, offering entertaining viewing.