Susah Sinyal (2017)

110 min|Comedy, Drama|21 Dec 2017
7.0Rating: 7.0 / 10 from 1,108 usersMetascore: N/A
Ellen does not keep her promise to watch Kiara's performance at the talent-show competition between high schools. Kiara is angry and goes to Sumba alone, where she can feel a glimmer of happiness.

Susah Sinyal, the film production of Starvision Plus, which is a comedy-drama genre, is made by the rising director, Ernest Prakasa. In just one week after its release, this film has been watched by nearly 700 thousand viewers. Ernest’s previous film, Cek Toko Sebelah (2016), became one of the best-selling films with an achievement of 2.6 million viewers. In this film, Ernest is reunited with actors and actresses who have subscribed, such as Adinia Wirasti, Dodit Mulyanto, Chew Kinwah, Gisella Anastasia, and others. Ernest’s footsteps as a director followed his colleague, Raditya Dika, who departed from a comic and tried to explore the film world by becoming a creator as well as playing in his films.

This film tells the story of Ellen’s relationship (Adinia Wirasti) as a single mom with her teenage daughter, Kiara (Aurora Ribero). Ellen, who is very busy with her work as a lawyer, makes Kiara grow and be close to Oma (Niniek L. Karim). Unexpectedly, his Oma died. Kiara feels lonely and lost. Ellen tried to replace her Oma’s position, but it wasn’t as easy as she had imagined, because their relationship was already far apart. Until finally, Ellen also took Kiara on vacation to get quality time with her daughter.

Ernest was interested in cultivating family conflicts wrapped in comedy in the theme of his films. Intricate family drama is presented so crispy through a simple plot. Like Cek Toko Sebelah, this film also raises the relationship between parents and children. Although not as advanced as before, the filmmaker tries to present it a little differently through the favored approach of adolescents, both the story and the comedy side. The strength of the film lies in the seasoning of the comedy that is consistently presented throughout the film. Still, the style of the comic can be processed more elegantly to strengthen the story further. Some jokes are sometimes a bit too excessive and separated from the main plot of the film.

Baca Juga  Modus

In addition to the comedy side, this film tries to process a dramatic moment by describing the relationship between Ellen and Kiara through the holiday segment on Sumba. The resort setting, which has a charming panorama, becomes a beautiful place to rebuild the relationship between the two. Hilarious moments, along with the employees and other hotel occupants, became the livelihood of the atmosphere, driven by Asri Welas, and the comic duo Arie Kriting and Abdur. The story’s climax illustrates Kiara’s disappointment at Ellen, well presented and closed with a sweet settlement.

This kind of comedy-drama seems like the market now. The formula of comics in the film industry with this type of comedy appears to continue to be used, as long as it still gets high audience interest. Ernest Prakasa itself has the potential to produce quality films with stories and themes that are simple but have a strong message. After the successful Cek Toko Sebelah, the filmmaker is again able to process the story with a neat and touching family story approach with a firm bandage of comedy elements.

70 %
Artikel SebelumnyaDilan 1991 – English
Artikel Luncurkan Aplikasi Review Film Versi Android
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho lahir di Temanggung pada 27 Agustus 1990. Ia menempuh pendidikan Program Studi Film sejak tahun 2008 di sebuah akademi komunikasi di Yogyakarta. Di sinilah, ia mulai mengenal lebih dalam soal film, baik dari sisi kajian maupun produksi. Semasa kuliah aktif dalam produksi film pendek baik dokumenter maupun fiksi. Ia juga lulus dengan predikat cum laude serta menjadi lulusan terbaik. Ia mulai masuk Komunitas Film Montase pada tahun 2008, yang kala itu masih fokus pada bidang apresiasi film melalui Buletin Montase, yang saat ini telah berganti menjadi website Sejak saat itu, ia mulai aktif menulis ulasan dan artikel film hingga kini. Setelah lulus, ia melanjutkan program sarjana di Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi di salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di Jogja. Penelitian tugas akhirnya mengambil tema tentang Sinema Neorealisme dan membandingkan film produksi lokal yang bertema sejenis. Tahun 2017, Ia menyelesaikan studi magisternya di Program Pascasarjana Jurusan Pengkajian Seni di Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta dengan minat utama film. Penelitian tesisnya terkait dengan kajian narasi dan plot sebuah film. Saat ini, ia tercatat sebagai salah satu staf pengajar di Program Studi Film dan Televisi, ISI Yogyakarta mengampu mata kuliah teori, sejarah, serta kajian film. Ia juga aktif memberikan pelatihan, kuliah umum, seminar di beberapa kampus, serta menjadi pemakalah dalam konferensi Internasional. Biodata lengkap bisa dilihat dalam situs Prestasi besar terakhirnya adalah menjadi nominator Festival Film Indonesia 2021 untuk kategori Kritikus Film Terbaik melalui artikel "Asih, Cermin Horor Indonesia Kontemporer" bersama rekan penulisnya, Miftachul Arifin.


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