Body Brokers (2021)
111 min|Drama, Thriller|19 Feb 2021
6.2Rating: 6.2 / 10 from 3,846 usersMetascore: 64
Brought to Los Angeles for treatment, a recovering junkie soon learns that the rehab center is not about helping people, but a cover for a multi-billion-dollar fraud operation that enlists addicts to recruit other addicts.

Whether coincidence or not, after watching I Care a Lot, Body Brokers also brought up the issue of a health scandal that could complement one another. Body Brokers was worked on by John Swab, starring Frank Grillo, Jack Kilmer, Michael Keneth Williams, and Jessica Rothe. Both of these films are arguably important films capable of exposing a health scandal in the US involving many parties with a circulation of billions of US dollars. Unlike I Care a Lot, Body Brokers’ script is inspired by a true story.

Two young people, Utah (Kilmer) and her boyfriend, Opal, are heavy heroin addicts. They are willing to do anything to get money just for a ton of heroin. Utah, tired of all this, finally did not turn down an offer by a foreign man, Wood (Williams), to enter a rehabilitation centre at a clinic in Los Angeles. After several months there, Utah finally realized that it had become a “victim” to a broker who used addicts’ insurance services to make massive profits. Wood soon invited Utah to join a much larger system led by his boss, Vin (Grillo).

With I Care a Lot, the issue this film raises is indeed extraordinary. An issue as big as this one deserves a much better script than this. Unlike I Care a Lot, which is presented in a more cinematic way, Body Brokers focuses more on how this system works with the most detailed down numbers. The narrative of the boss, Vin (Grillo), can explain everything very clearly how fragile the health system in the US is. Addicts are like a gold mine for these brokers. The issue is big OK, so what’s the story? The script should provide a more biting moral message without having to present an anticlimax ending. It is unfortunate.

Body Brokers presents a good story with weak executions that do not balance the significant issues and scandals it carries. Body Brokers is an ordinary story film and a medium to provide valuable information to the audience. The more people who are aware of this problem, the better. This practice of irregularities does not only occur in the US but everywhere. This film is also reminiscent of a documentary with the same theme, Sicko, by veteran filmmaker Michael Moore. Something is wrong with our world today. If the Covid-19 pandemic doesn’t teach us a lesson, somehow we have to learn more. Or we should all take to the streets with a poster, “Capitalism Sucks”. If it doesn’t change, this will be a significant setback for humanity. It doesn’t seem like a system but a greedy human nature.

Stay safe and healthy!

75 %
Artikel SebelumnyaI Care a Lot
Artikel BerikutnyaThe Vigil
A lifelong cinephile, he cultivated a deep interest in film from a young age. Following his architectural studies, he embarked on an independent exploration of film theory and history. His passion for cinema manifested in 2006 when he began writing articles and film reviews. This extensive experience subsequently led him to a teaching position at the esteemed Television and Film Academy in Yogyakarta. From 2003 to 2019, he enriched the minds of students by instructing them in Film History, Introduction to Film Art, and Film Theory. His scholarly pursuits extended beyond the classroom. In 2008, he published his seminal work, "Understanding Film," which delves into the core elements of film, both narrative and cinematic. The book's enduring value is evidenced by its second edition, released in 2018, which has become a cornerstone reference for film and communication academics across Indonesia. His contributions extend beyond his own authorship. He actively participated in the compilation of the Montase Film Bulletin Compilation Book Volumes 1-3 and "30 Best Selling Indonesian Films 2012-2018." Further solidifying his expertise, he authored both "Horror Film Book: From Caligari to Hereditary" (2023) and "Indonesian Horror Film: Rising from the Grave" (2023). His passion for film extends to the present day. He continues to provide insightful critiques of contemporary films on, while actively participating in film production endeavors with the Montase Film Community. His own short films have garnered critical acclaim at numerous festivals, both domestically and internationally. Recognizing his exceptional talent, the 2022 Indonesian Film Festival shortlisted his writing for Best Film Criticism (Top 15). His dedication to the field continues, as he currently serves as a practitioner-lecturer for Film Criticism and Film Theory courses at the Yogyakarta Indonesian Institute of the Arts' Independent Practitioner Program.


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