Updated May, 2022

Unlike in the United States (US), which is the largest film industry globally, it is not easy for us to calculate how much gross income of a film. The US has been doing this for decades, and the more sophisticated digital data-based information technology such as the internet, the easier and faster the data obtained. It took a long time and a long process to calculate box-office achievement figures, as we can see today. The latest box-office data, both domestically (US) and internationally (global), can be monitored daily through websites such as boxoffice.com or boxofficemojo.com.

Then how about the “box-office” calculation in Indonesia? At least, since the new millennium era, the estimate has been reasonably good, although it may not be 100% accurate. Unlike in western countries that use the calculation of how many total achievements (in US dollars) while in Indonesia is based on the number of spectators, the data is taken from various local cinema networks. Then how much does the total rupiah count? As a rough calculation, the gross income of a film is the number of viewers multiplied by Rp. 40,000 (USD 2.73/for the average ticket price in 2019 – filmindonesia.or.id). The year is getting back; of course, the average ticket price is getting smaller. The best-selling films in Indonesia in the past two decades can be seen in the table below.

No Title Year Audience Genre
1 Warkop Reborn: Jangkrik Boss Part 1 2016 6.858.616 Komedi
2 Dilan 1990 2018 6.315.664 Roman/Remaja
3 Dilan 1991 2019 5.253.411 Roman/Remaja
4 Laskar Pelangi 2008 4.719.453 Drama
5 KKN di Desa Penari 2022 4.613.276 Horor
6 Habibie & Ainun 2012 4.583.641 Drama/Roman
7 Pengabdi Setan 2017 4.206.103 Horor
8 Warkop Reborn: Jangkrik Boss Part 2 2017 4.083.190 Komedi
9 Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2008 3.676.135 Drama/Roman/Religi
10 Ada Apa dengan Cinta? 2 2016 3.665.509 Roman
11 Suzzanna: Bernapas dalam Kubur 2018 3.346.185 Horor
12 Milea: Suara dari Dilan 2020 3.157.817 Roman
13 My Stupid Boss 2016 3.052.657 Komedi
14 Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 2017 2.840.159 Drama/Religi
15 Danur 2017 2.736.157 Horor
16 Ada Apa dengan Cinta? 2002 2.700.000 Roman Remaja
17 Imperfect: Karir, Cinta dan Timbangan 2019 2.654.845 Drama Komedi
18 Cek Toko Sebelah 2016 2.642.957 Komedi
19 Eiffel, I’m in Love 2003 2.632.300 Komedi/Roman/Remaja
20 Hangout 2016 2.620.644 Komedi/Thriller
21 Danur 2: Maddah 2018 2.572.133 Horor
22 Jailangkung 2017 2.550.271 Horor
23 Dua Garis Biru 2019 2.538.473 Drama Remaja
24 Danur 3: Sunyaruri 2019 2.411.036 Horor
25 5 cm 2012 2.402.170 Drama/Petualangan
26 Nanti Kita Cerita tentang Hari Ini 2020 2.256.908 Drama
27 Habibie & Ainun 3 2019 2.242.782 Drama/Biografi
28 Kukira Kau Rumah 2022 2.220.180 Drama
29 Susah Sinyal 2017 2.121.164 Drama/Komedi
30 Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2009 2.105.192 Drama/Religi
Baca Juga  Poltergeist

Sumber: filmindonesia.or.id

You can see the results of our review by clicking on each movie title above. We don’t need to talk about quality first. At least we can see the tastes of Indonesian viewers from the films above, which are still dominated by teenage, comedy, religious, and now horror films. Each period also has a different trend. Horror genre, for example, even though this genre has been widespread and selling for a long time, Indonesian horror films are still challenging to reach millions of viewers. Not since Danur (2017), horror films have momentum and are very successful now, whether the film is good or not. The successful action film, such as The Raid, was doing better overseas, but not on the top 30 list. 

To discuss quality is certainly not enough, just a brief discussion, and requires a separate analysis. For now, you can see for yourself what exactly is the trend from year to year, and can reflect on Indonesian cinema, whether Indonesian films are already able to compete with other countries? The quality of a movie certainly is one thing that is important to make Indonesian movies competitive. Indonesian films were capable of doing better. Is Indonesian film have a good quality now? If not, when?

If you want to know more about how the latest Indonesian film developments through the best-selling films, you can get more in-depth reviews in Book 30 of the Best-Selling Indonesian Films of 2002 – 2018. (click to see more details about the contents of the book). You can get this book order there.


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A lifelong cinephile, he cultivated a deep interest in film from a young age. Following his architectural studies, he embarked on an independent exploration of film theory and history. His passion for cinema manifested in 2006 when he began writing articles and film reviews. This extensive experience subsequently led him to a teaching position at the esteemed Television and Film Academy in Yogyakarta. From 2003 to 2019, he enriched the minds of students by instructing them in Film History, Introduction to Film Art, and Film Theory. His scholarly pursuits extended beyond the classroom. In 2008, he published his seminal work, "Understanding Film," which delves into the core elements of film, both narrative and cinematic. The book's enduring value is evidenced by its second edition, released in 2018, which has become a cornerstone reference for film and communication academics across Indonesia. His contributions extend beyond his own authorship. He actively participated in the compilation of the Montase Film Bulletin Compilation Book Volumes 1-3 and "30 Best Selling Indonesian Films 2012-2018." Further solidifying his expertise, he authored both "Horror Film Book: From Caligari to Hereditary" (2023) and "Indonesian Horror Film: Rising from the Grave" (2023). His passion for film extends to the present day. He continues to provide insightful critiques of contemporary films on montasefilm.com, while actively participating in film production endeavors with the Montase Film Community. His own short films have garnered critical acclaim at numerous festivals, both domestically and internationally. Recognizing his exceptional talent, the 2022 Indonesian Film Festival shortlisted his writing for Best Film Criticism (Top 15). His dedication to the field continues, as he currently serves as a practitioner-lecturer for Film Criticism and Film Theory courses at the Yogyakarta Indonesian Institute of the Arts' Independent Practitioner Program.


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